May 072012

Analyze and design plumbing systems.

Plumbing system consists of providing:
Water, gas, sewer, and storm water drainage to a facility.
Design consists of providing proper fixtures and equipment in addition to associated piping to service the facility. Water and gas are fed under pressure into building, where sewer and storm water are mostly under gravity flow

Plumbing Designers Tasks:
1. Define the work: Definition/scope of the plumbing task varies from site to site and may vary during the course of design.
Tasks are clear: (a) Identify and transcribe step wise scope of work and verify with all teams for its accuracies; (b) List and identify all parties in the project; (c) notify all parties (project managers, architect, …) all work and the delineation of the ending of the work.
2. Construction budget: Verify type of building and provide cost per square ft or complete construction cost. The estimating books and soft wares must be current to the economic conditions and the area being served. There are several available on internet.
3. Authorities having jurisdictions, codes, laws, standards, and guidelines: Identify all local, state, federal, agencies, and amendments are critical. Personnel administering the process are also important: Plan checkers, inspectors, building officials, …. The areas of mechanical, fire, health, sewer, insurance, finance are all related to the plumbing coinstruction and design. There are many national and local codes: International Plumbing Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, American Disabilities Act, International Code Councils are some of the few to mention.
4. Utilities and utility companies: Investigate all local conditions; create site utility plans, water, sanitary, gas, electric, topography (contour lines), right-a-ways or easements, hardscapes or landscapes, capacities, sizes, pressures, and materials. Other groups such as civil engineer, other utilities (electric, cable, …), public works, and other related agencies must be coordinated and notified. Backflow devices may be required.
5. Sewer: Verify all utilities concerns. Verify all point of connections, elevations, pipe inverts, topography, manholes, loading capacities, insurance issues. Final connections, easements and routing must be verified.
6. Water: Verify all utilities concerns. Design issues are: water pressure, meters, valves, hydraulic calculations, backflow prevention devices, pressure capacities for fire, domestic water usage
7. Gas: Verify all utilities concerns. Issues concerning gas piping designs are: Meter, valves, length of pipes, pressures, gas rating consumptions of the building, materials, routing, …

1. Building Design
Apply theory and principles of plumbing systems as a component of building design.

Theories in the plumbing system vary depending on the type of system. Water and gas piping under pressure are based on pressurized closed system, Sewer and storm drain are based on open channel flow theories.

Plumbing Design is sub-divided into:
• Collection of Data as project initial task
• Specifications and design
• Construction Services
• Administration.

2. Implications of Design Decisions
Determine the effects of plumbing systems design decisions and selection on issues such as construction cost, operating costs, construction schedules, and flexibility.

Design of plumbing systems are based on:
• Drainage systems
o Interior drainage- Sewer systems
 Backflow prevention
o Exterior Drainage system- Site work
o Vent piping system
• Domestic Water
o Domestic cold water
o Domestic hot water
 Expansion/contraction
o Backflow prevention
• Storm Water
o Roof drainage
o Site drainage
• Fuel Gas
• Machines
o Sumps/ejectors
o Pumps

Analyze and design plumbing systems.

1. Building Systems and their Integration
Consider integration and effects of plumbing design principles, systems, and details on the overall design of a building with consideration to technological advances and innovative building products.

2. Construction Details and Constructability
Examine plumbing system details, including the aspects of constructability and thermal and moisture protection.

Cleanout in a system is the location for rooting the clogs’ at beginning or logistically located within the sewer pipes
Not: Vent, drain, or trap
Pressure relief valve in a diagram is a device to allow over pressure or temperature to vent out to approve location

Water closet-Plumbing fixture types is not permitted to connect to a waste stack vent
Not: Bidets, utility sinks, lavatories
Flush control for a handicapped accessible urinal is a maximum of 44” AFF.

Valve upstream of water heater circulation pump is a gate valve to be able to cut off pump and maintain it.
Not: Check valve and not exact use with Angle valve (90 degree bend), and globe valve
Vacuum breaker is not required for plumbing waste-drainage system
Not: Trap, vents, clean-outs are required for waste-drainage system
Plastic has the highest coefficient of thermal expansion.
Not: Steel, cast iron, glass
Air gap is required for refrigerators and sterilizers
Not: Heat recovery units, water closets, bathtubs, waste interceptors

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