Non-Residential Chapter 5
Planning and Design
5.106.1 Stormwater pollution prevention.
Require BMP’s instead of designed plan
5.106.4 Bicycle parking.
Delete reference to UC Policy on Sustainable Practices
5.106.4 Designated parking.
instead of “CLEAN AIR VEHICLE”
5.106.8 Light pollution reduction.
Now Mandatory (previously – Voluntary)
IESNA TM‐15‐11 2011, TABLE 5.106.8 for allowable BUG ratings
5.106.10 Grading and paving.
Provides examples such as swales and french drains
Water Efficiency and Conservation
5.303.1 Buildings in excess of 50,000 square feet Option for sub‐metering of cooling towers, evaporative coolers and boilers
5.303.2 20% reduction in indoor water use.
Include residential lavatory faucets in table and clarification for showerheads.
5.303.2.1 Multiple showerheads serving one shower Controlled by a single valve
Material Conservation and Resource Efficiency
5.408 Construction waste reduction, disposal and recycling
– New options: Waste management company
– New option: Waste stream reduction (2 Ib/sq. ft.)
– Exception for contaminated excavated soil and land clearing debris from being re‐used or recycled
5.410.1 Commissioning. Exceptions for:
– Dry warehouses
– Conditioned accessory under 10,000 sq ft within dry warehouses
– Initial tenant improvements under 10,000 sq ft
Environmental Quality
5.504 Pollutant control
– Temporary ventilation.
Use MERV 8 filter if HVAC is used for ventilation during construction
– Carpet systems. Change to one of the referenced standards
– Resilient flooring systems. Change to referenced standard
– Filters. Added exception or return air and return with pre-filtered outside air (ductless HP)
5.507.4 Acoustical control
– STC : Sound transmission class
‐ OITC : Outdoor‐indoor sound transmission class
– CNEL : Community noise equivalent level
‐ Distance to airports and freeways are removed
‐ Envelope: STC 50 or OITC 40,
Windows: STC 40 as 30) or OITC 30 for:
o Within 65 CNEL noise contour of an airport
o Within 65 CNEL or Ldb noise contour of a freeway, expressway, railroad, industrial or other sources determined by the General Plan
‐ Buildings exposed to 65 dB where noise contours are not available:
o Envelope: STC 45 or OITC 35,
Windows: STC 40 or OITC 30 ‐ Performance method: provide interior noise environment not exceeding 50 dBA
Additions and Alterations to Existing Buildings
Division 5.7 – Additions and alterations to existing nonresidential buildings
•July 1, 2012 : 2,000 sq ft additions, $500,000 alterations •2013 Code: 1,000 sq ft additions, $200,000 alterations •New Division 5.7“Additions and alterations to existing nonresidential buildings” (State definitions)
• Notable differences:
–Storm water pollution prevention.
Applies to additions
– Bicycle parking.
If 10 or more parking spaces being generated
– Designated parking.
If 10 or more parking spaces being generated
– Grading and paving.
When drainage path is effected
– Irrigation controller.
Only applied to landscape areas between 1000-2500.
– Recycling by occupant.
Triggered when there is an increase in floor
area of 30% or more in 12 month
– Testing and adjusting of new systems only
(no commissioning)
New Appendix A6 – Commissioning standards – Forms ∞
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