CALGreen Section: 5.504.3 Covering of duct openings and protection of mechanical equipment during construction. At the time of rough installation and during storage on the construction site until final startup of the heating, cooling and ventilating equipment, all duct and other related air distribution component openings shall be covered with tape, plastic, sheet metal or other methods acceptable to the enforcing agency to reduce the amount of dust, water and debris which may enter the system.
To enhance HVAC equipment efficiency and indoor air quality at building occupancy by preventing construction debris from building up in the air ducts during construction.
Change for 2012: CBSC is proposing to modify this section in concert with HCD, in response to comments made by CARB, to clarify for the code user when protection is needed, which equipment to protect, and against what pollutants ducts should be sealed.
Existing Law or Regulation:
The California Energy Code, CCR, Part 6 contains ventilation standards for conditioned spaces. CCR, Title 8 contains additional regulations for the protection of worker safety.
Compliance Method:
Engineers and designers should include the measures intended to promote air quality in the project specifications for ventilation, materials and others as applicable. The contractor should be responsible for employing them on the job and being able to demonstrate that the practices are being followed if requested by the enforcing agency.
Plan Intake: The reviewer and/or plan checker should review the plans and specifications for directions on ventilation practices to be followed by the contractor.
On-Site Enforcement: The inspector should review the permit set of plans to verify which air quality practices the contractor is to use on the project and ask for demonstration of their employment during site visits.
CALGreen Section: 5.714.4.3 Covering of duct openings and protection of mechanical equipment during construction. At the time of rough installation and during storage on the construction site until final startup of the heating, cooling and ventilating equipment, all duct and other related air distribution component openings shall be covered with tape, plastic, sheet metal or other methods acceptable to the enforcing agency to reduce the amount of dust, water and debris which may enter the system.
To enhance HVAC equipment efficiency and indoor air quality at building occupancy by preventing construction debris from building up in the air ducts during construction. CBSC adopted this section for applicable additions and alterations as modified for new construction. The purpose is to protect building occupants from indoor pollution from HVAC equipment
operation and to protect the equipment against damage.
Compliance and Enforcement: See § 5.504.3 of this guide
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