Dec 092012

CALGreen Section: 5.710.6.1 Storm water pollution prevention. Additions that disturb soil of less than one acre shall prevent the pollution of stormwater runoff from the construction activities through one or more of the following measures: Local ordinance. Comply with a lawfully enacted stormwater management and/or erosion control ordinance. Best management practices (BMP). Prevent the loss of soil through wind or water erosion by implementing an effective combination of erosion and sediment control and good housekeeping BMP.

1. Soil loss BMP that should be considered for implementation as appropriate for each project include, but are not limited to, the following:

a.    Scheduling construction activity

b.    Preservation of natural features, vegetation and soil

c.    Drainage swales or lined ditches to control stormwater flow

d.    Mulching or hydroseeding to stabilize disturbed soils

e.    Erosion control to protect slopes

f.     Protection of storm drain inlets (gravel bags or catch basin inserts)

g.    Perimeter sediment control (perimeter silt fence, fiber rolls)

h.    Sediment trap or sediment basin to retain sediment on site

i.     Stabilized construction exits

j.     Wind erosion control

k.    Other soil loss BMP acceptable to the enforcing agency

2. Good housekeeping BMP to manage construction equipment, materials, and wastes that should be considered for implementation as appropriate for each project include, but are not limited to, the following:

a.    Material handling and waste management

b.    Building materials stockpile management

c.    Management of washout areas (concrete, paints, stucco, etc.)

d.    Control of vehicle/equipment fueling to contractor’s staging area

e.    Vehicle and equipment cleaning performed off site

f.     Spill prevention and control

g.    Other housekeeping BMP acceptable to the enforcing agency


The intent of this section means to prevent pollution from storm water runoff similar to that for new construction, where an addition disturbs less than one acre of soil. It recognizes that a local ordinance may govern, and it adds best management practices that can be used to prevent soil loss. This brings renovation projects in line with new construction projects disturbing similar amounts of soil to prevent soil and sediment from entering receiving waters.

Compliance and Enforcement:

See § 5.106.1 of this guide

CALGreen Section: 5.710.6.1 Storm water pollution prevention. Additions that disturb soil of less than one acre shall prevent the pollution of stormwater runoff from the construction activities through one or more of the following measures: Local ordinance. Comply with a lawfully enacted stormwater management and/or erosion control ordinance. Best management practices (BMP). Prevent the loss of soil through wind or water erosion by implementing an effective combination of erosion and sediment control and good housekeeping BMP.   1. Soil loss BMP that should be considered for implementation as appropriate for each project include, but are not limited to, the following: a.    Scheduling construction activity b.    Preservation of natural features, vegetation and soil c.    Drainage swales or lined ditches to control stormwater flow d.    Mulching or hydroseeding to stabilize disturbed soils e.    Erosion control to protect slopes f.     Protection of storm drain inlets (gravel bags or catch basin inserts) g.    Perimeter sediment control (perimeter silt fence, fiber rolls) h.    Sediment trap or sediment basin to retain sediment on site i.     Stabilized construction exits j.     Wind erosion control k.    Other soil loss BMP acceptable to the enforcing agency   2. Good housekeeping BMP to manage construction equipment, materials, and wastes that should be considered for implementation as appropriate for each project include, but are not limited to, the following: a.    Material handling and waste management b.    Building materials stockpile management c.    Management of washout areas (concrete, paints, stucco, etc.) d.    Control of vehicle/equipment fueling to contractor’s staging area e.    Vehicle and equipment cleaning performed off site f.     Spill prevention and control g.    Other housekeeping BMP acceptable to the enforcing agency

Intent: The intent of this section means to prevent pollution from storm water runoff similar to that for new construction, where an addition disturbs less than one acre of soil. It recognizes that a local ordinance may govern, and it adds best management practices that can be used to prevent soil loss. This brings renovation projects in line with new construction projects disturbing similar amounts of soil to prevent soil and sediment from entering receiving waters.     Compliance and Enforcement: See § 5.106.1 of this guide

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