Jun 032021

This two part series Lectures were presented and recorded (see YouTube) Links below.

Part 1:

Basics Covid 19 and understanding of how to tackle the problem.

Multi-part solution were: Increase outside air, UVC lighting, BiPolar Ionization, Humidity Control, and the Merv 13 filtration.

Note that HEPA filters are not practical and not necessarily functional. HEPA filters leak 0.3 micron particulates with very high static pressure plus very thick and will not fit in ordinary HVAC existing systems. Given Merv 13 is currently code, the BiPolar Ionization simply coagulates the particulates to be captured by the Merv 13.

Of course, UVC lights will alter the genetics of the pathogens, and by increasing the outside air (dilution effect), and frequent filter exchange, the system will respond to the Covid Virus.

Of course, it is prudent to isolate, ideally every room, into an independent zone with no cross contamination of the return air.

Please review the article document and go through Part 1 of the video.

Part 2:

CDC guidelines, best management practice, and review of multiple Covid 19 spread cases are presented in this segment.

A good set of historical analysis pursued by the Chinese, Korean, and some of the incidences in U.S.A. are fully examined. CDC guidelines are reviewed for full occupation of the building.

Very illuminating and rather alarming incidences intrude into one’s thinking of better indoor design of the buildings.

Full compartmentalization of the flow of the occupants, absolute minimum outside patrons entering to the building. All deliveries are to an outside independent structures, high cleanable finishes,  many exterior  openable windows, with full signage will be the future of he building design.

Please review the article document and go through Part 2 of the video.


Article for your download:

Saum Nour AIA OC Impact of Covid om Building Design and Management. December 2020


The two recordings from the AIA OC Channel:

AIA OC        Part 1: Basics of Covid, Physics of Covid, HVAC and solution


Part 2: Contact Tracing, Outbreak Studies within building interiors




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